
Two years earlier, I was in a traveling job. I used to travel to various parts of India to monitor clinical trials. Since this involved a lot of waiting in the airports and lot of traveling time, I had ample time to read a lot of books including magazines. I have quit the job since, but I have continued reading.

One magazine which I picked up from a newsstand in Mumbai just blew me away. It was the OPEN magazine. At a newsstand price of 30 INR per copy, the magazine is worth every penny. I have not subscribed yet to OPEN. Not because I doubt the magazine, but because I doubt myself. I am a nomad until today. I keep shifting places, changing locations. I need a permanent address to subscribe. However, that may change soon.

Getting back to OPEN, the magazine has been a regular read since 2010. Two things I love in any OPEN magazine – their unique cover story which is extremely detailed and the layout of a magazine, not to forget – their good English.

Why I got impressed with OPEN? – Because they thought different. On a day when the entire media was praising the action of BRIC countries with the G4 summit and the UN panel for climate change, OPEN ripped open the errors in Rajendra Pachauri’s IPCC reports and did an article on climate change titled “The Hottest Hoax in the World.” From that moment on, I became a regular reader of OPEN.

OPEN has come out with many more articles on diverse topics. I have not seen them repeat any topic as a cover story. Few good articles that I recommend are:

Current Affairs:

The Obituary of a Movement

The Anna Hazare Show

India’s Most Shocking Smuggling Racket


When Dravid Stole Sachin’s Thunder

ICC World Cup Trophy

and many more. These are my favourites, though! Read them.

Subscribe if you like. OPEN will not disappoint.